Ziemassvētku kantātes
Piedalās: Jauniešu koris BALSIS,
Jauktais koris Fortius
Bērnu koris Sono
Ņujorkas latviešu koris
Latvijas Nacionālās operas orķestrī
Laila Liepiņa Southard, soprano (1, 3, 6, 8, 20)
Elina Seile, mezzo-soprano (4, 6)
Nauris Indzeris, baritone (3, 13, 15, 18)
Diriģenti: Laura Padega Zamura, Andrejs Jansons
The Light of Christmas/Zvaigžņu Gaisma (2015)

Valdis Zilveris
Starlit Christmas (18:22)
I. In Bethlehem (3:17)
II. Returning from Church on Christmas Eve (5:30)
III. Christmas Bells (3:40)
IV. Silent Night (5:55)
Laura Padega Zamura, conductor
Ingmars Zemzaris
Immanuel, O God Most High (17:16)
I. Immanuel, O God Most High (3:59)
II. Morning Star (3:20)
III. We Sing High Praises (0:45)
IV. The Light of Heaven Has Descended (1:15)
V. Glory to God in the Highest (2:01)
VI. And Peace on Earth (4:00)
VII. Now Try to Grow in Love (1:56)
Andrejs Jansons, conductor
Ilona Rupaine
Our Lady's Lily Garden (24:25)
I. Day is Drawing to a Close (2:33)
II. Snow is Coming (4:40)
III. Our Lady's Lily Garden (4:24)
IV. Christmas Eve (3:15)
V. Judobrū (3:32)
VI. Behind the Hill the Moon Appeared (2:52)
VII. The Cangle in the Wreath (3:09)
Andrejs Jansons, conductor
Kārlis Lācis
Christmas Cantata (13:14)
I. Thoughts Appear Like Moths (5:04)
II. Yes, I See the Lamb Dashing Away (4:01)
III. That Day (4:09)
Andrejs Jansons, conductor